Course Content
WHIZROBO is announcing WHIZFEST on 29th July 2023 at DCM Young Entrepreneurs School, Ludhiana, a prestigious event that will celebrate the world of Innovation, Creativity, and Technology. WHIZFEST brings together brilliant minds from schools all across the region, providing a unique stage to present your ground breaking ideas, innovations, and projects. This competition offers an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their talent, engage in collaborative problem-solving, and enhance their skills in the field of Robotics. WHIZROBO has a strong reputation for organizing well-structured and challenging Robotics Competitions, and this event promises to be an exciting experience for your students. The competition comprises three categories: Robo Race, Line Follower, and Innovation Challenge. Each category presents unique challenges that will test students' technical skills, creativity, and teamwork.
About Lesson

Code and connections instructions

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h> 
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

#define IN_1  5          // L298N in1 motors Rightx          GPIO15(D1)
#define IN_2  4        // L298N in2 motors Right           GPIO13(D2)
#define IN_3  0           // L298N in3 motors Left            GPIO2(D3)
#define IN_4  2           // L298N in4 motors Left            GPIO0(D4)

String command;             //String to store app command state.

const char* ssid = "put name of your robocar here";
const char* pass = "put your password here";

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

void setup() {
 pinMode(IN_1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(IN_4, OUTPUT); 

// Connecting WiFi

  WiFi.softAP(ssid, pass);
  IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
  Serial.print("AP IP address: ");

 // Starting WEB-server 

     server.on ( "/", HTTP_handleRoot );
     server.onNotFound ( HTTP_handleRoot );

void goAhead(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);

void goBack(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);

void goRight(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);

void goLeft(){

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);

void goAheadRight(){

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);

void goAheadLeft(){

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);

void goBackRight(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);

void goBackLeft(){ 

      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);

void stopRobot(){  

      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);


void loop() {



      command = server.arg("State");
      if (command == "F") goAhead();
      else if (command == "B") goBack();
      else if (command == "L") goLeft();
      else if (command == "R") goRight();
      else if (command == "I") goAheadRight();
      else if (command == "G") goAheadLeft();
      else if (command == "J") goBackRight();
      else if (command == "H") goBackLeft();
      else if (command == "S") stopRobot();


void HTTP_handleRoot(void) {
if( server.hasArg("State") ){
  server.send ( 200, "text/html", "" );



download the app from here




Exercise Files
Competition Guidelines (1).pdf
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whiz tutorials.jpg
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